"Your wish is my command.." was my reply, and I sent the ammendments over.
And then the client said, "Change this chunk and dunk those crap."
"Your wish is my command.." again I said, and sent the ammendments over again.
And then the client said, "Change again, change again another time, change again one more time, CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE!!"
"Alright you bitch, sod off."
I didn't really say that. Although I am so bloody tempted to. Well, this is just the regular life of a designer, adapt and make changes all the time.
Not complaining. Just taking a break from my work so that I can post some updates about my daughter. It relaxes me, just by blogging and talking about my daughter who is nearing her 4th month. How time flies, the day my wife's waterbag broke we were supposed to catch a movie, "Tropic Thunder", which we still have yet to watch. Today our little one has got more pattern than badminton, she pushes her milk bottle away during her feeding and attempt to drown us by crying a Singapore river. The moment the bottle tit is out of her mouth she chuckles and giggles non stop, that is until the tit is back into her mouth.
I recall a famous Mac Donalds ad on TV eons ago. Seated on a swing, the baby was laughing when she was swung forward, and then crying when swung backward. The clever editing showed in the perspective of the baby's eye, a big "M" logo appears whenever the camera heave upwards and then disappears when swinging downwards, and reappear again in another swing upwards. Our baby Angel is exactly like that, laughing and crying with the milk bottle in and out of her mouth.
Enough talk. Some photos of our three and half month old daughter uploaded here :)
Have a great week ahead.
From Ken, wife and daughter.

Gosh! I think you lost some weight being a doting daddy! Your daughter is cute like a doll.
OMGawd, I could just cuddle her all day long. Twilight is correct. Please do take care. I think the strain of fatherhood odd hour diaper-changes and the lousy economy has shrunk you a wee bit. :( Your missus still looks gorgeous tho' :)
haha...the baby looks liker her mum :) i agree with twilight, u do look kind of thin after ur daugther was born....
Awww. Cute baby! With such a great looking dress!
Awww... Your baby is just the cutest!
the pleasure is when the daughter looks at you adoringly when she hears your voice or sees you
i came back just to look at your daughter again :)
Twilight - The top snapshot is the worst angle, it makes a person look skinny. Though my missus disagrees, she has been urging me to grow fatter because she is starting to find BBQ ribs from Tony Romas unappetizing...
Anton - I said the similar thing to my wife all the time. I just love hugging my daughter.
Leumas - Ok.. I know I have been deceiving myself that I am a muscular hunk, and when I said that it usually spark a choked mockery laugh from my wife..
Savante - The dress is from baby GAP. And it cost more than my regular Armani T shirt.. I have been have cheap sandwich lunch ever since.. Thanks for dropping by dude.
Perky - One word, YES! She is :P
Beng Beng - Wah Thank You for your support! Still thinking of fetching a bride for your son? Kekeke
Now I agree that your baby really looks cute like a doll. Being thin is better than fat.
but frm ur profile pic, u dun look tat thin...or maybe its the hairstyle?
Leumas - It must be that angle lah, shot from top make ppl look thinner. But I think u r right also, the shorter hair must have done some illusional effects.
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